Signature loans are a great way to help pay for a family vacation, buy new furniture, make home improvements, or pay for unexpected daily expenses. They can also be a great way to establish credit.
Signature Loan Details:
- Borrow up to $3,500
- Rates as low as 13% Annual Percentage Rate
- 36-month term
- Member may defer up to 2 payments at time loan is opened
Add on to your loan:
During the term of a loan, additional amounts may be borrowed and added to the outstanding balance. Providing, the loan balance is $200 below the maximum loan limit allowed for that category. However, if the current rate is less than the original loan rate, then the loan will remain at its original rate.
If you are interested in learning more speak with your local credit union director or contact Energize directly at 405-478-0046 or
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