Sometimes financial terminology can be confusing. Below we breakdown greater return opportunities available through jumbo CD’s.
What is a jumbo CD?
It is identical to a regular CD, except it requires a higher minimum opening deposit.
What minimum deposit does Energize require for a CD to be considered a jumbo CD?
What bonus does Energize offer for jumbo CD's?
We offer an additional 5 basis points for CD's over $50,000 & an additional 10 basis points for CD's over $100,000.
What is a basis point?
A basis point refers to one-hundredth of a percentage point. For example, the difference between 3.75% and 4.00% is 25 basis points.
If you are interested in learning more speak with your local credit union director or contact Energize directly at 405-478-0046 or You can also find more information at
Credit Union deposits are federally insured by NCUA. To check current CD rates, visit Early withdrawal penalties may apply.