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Members Save Money!

Members expect a good deal from their Credit Union. America's Credit Unions analysis found Energize Members saved $152,136  compared to Oklahoma Banks, due to better Rates and less Fees. With the current Economic climate, Energize Members know they can trust and rely on their Credit Union to give them financial value.

CUNA Report 2023
Category Energize
Loan Rate vs. Banks -$28,689
Deposit Yield vs. Banks +$146,327
Lower Fees +$34,498
Total +$152, 136

Energize operates efficiently and maintains low overhead for the benefit of member-owners. Compare these operational ratios to the average peer Credit Union ( in 2023:

Average Peer Credit Union 2023
Category ECU AVG CU
Avg Loan Rate Charged 4.58% 5.25%
Avg Dep Rate Paid 1.18% 1.42%
Fees/Assets .17% .44%
Op Exp/Assets 2.84% 2.51%
Dlq Loans 0.64% 0.83%
Loan to Assets 80.50% 71.01%

Founded in 1967 as a member-owned financial cooperative, Energize serves over 3,400 Members at Rural Electric and Telephone Cooperatives of Oklahoma. For more ifnormation on Energize or services please visit www.Energize.Coop.

Base Rates (As Low As) subject to change and adjustment for Credit Score. Loans subject to approval.
*100% of MSRP/NADA/Kelley/Appraisal. *APR = Annual Percentage Rate