Oklahoma City, OK - January 2024: BauerFinancial, Inc., the Nation’s Premier Credit Union and Bank Rating Firm, proudly acknowledges that Energize Credit Union, Oklahoma City, OK, has earned its highest, 5-Star rating for the 24th consecutive quarter. BauerFinancial reassesses the financial condition of federally-insured credit unions every three months. This latest rating was assigned in January 2024 based on financial data reported as of September 30, 2023. Earning another 5-Star Superior rating signifies that Energize Credit Union contin ues to be one of the strongest financial institutions in the nation.
“Bauer rates credit unions based on their overall financial condition,” reports Karen Dorway, president of the rating firm, “and has been doing so for over 40 years. Having a common bond or bonds with the membership, the employees of credit unions, like Energize Credit Union, feel a kinship and have a desire to see members grow and thrive,” continues Dorway. “It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge that a credit union that measures its success by the success of its peers, does so from such a solid financial foundation.”
Since its inception in 1967, Energize Credit Union has been an enthusiastic supporter of the people within its field of membership. Energize Credit Union is a dedicated banking partner and much more. Supporting its member-owners is what it does, and what it has done for 57 years. This credit union wouldn’t have it any other way.